Virginia is for Restaurant Lovers
Takeout options in Coastal Virginia
March 30 to April 5
Like many of you, we want to help local restaurants who have been forced to close their doors. Many restaurants throughout Coastal Virginia are still open for to-go, delivery, and curbside pickup PLUS beer and wine sales! We have compiled a list of our personal favorites. You can also peruse an ongoing list of restaurants serving take-out here.
There are Farmer’s Markets that will be open as well. Be sure to check out The Shack’s Grocery Market in Virginia Beach (open 10am-6pm daily), where you can shop in person or online. And the Old Beach Farmer’s Market has converted to a drive-thru; open Saturdays at Croc’s 19th St. Bistro on 19th St. and Cypress Ave in Virginia Beach. The Williamsburg Farmer’s Market is offering local delivery as well!
The Butcher’s Son (Virginia Beach / Chesapeake)
The Stockpot (Virginia Beach / Norfolk)

Second Street American Bistro (Newport News and Williamsburg)
Gabrielle Archer Tavern at Williamsburg Winery
Maurizio’s Italian Restaurant Williamsburg
1607 Grille at Williamsburg National Golf Club
Carrot Tree Kitchens (Jamestown Road)
The Vanguard Brewpub & Distillery
Smokehouse BBQ Restaurant & Bar

Erika Guess is a marketing professional with more than a decade’s experience in tourism. She keeps a finger on the pulse of visual and performing arts around town, so if you have a question you can drop her a line at erika@vacationchannels.com